In Concert Recordings from Yesteryear
For a number of years John Lindsay known to CHNO and CJMX radio listeners as Jack Richmond hosted a number of radio programs. One he particularity enjoyed was a series of local broadcasts featuring musical talent which he personally recorded and produced. Some of these are featuring here for your enjoyment. Now several decades old they nevertheless retain their original quality to a significant extent and the memories are present to enjoy. Peter Schneider - Roy C Barnes Memorial Orchestra with special guest: Kiwanis Music Festival Final Awards Concert 1991 Malcolm Crawford ensemble and Julie Collins Talent Search Broadcast of 1989 John Hannah and Edmund Dawe - Piano Concert
The bilingual "Friendly Sudbury" logo in city colours with a border of blue representing our many lakes projects our city image of being clean and green. We would like to see our City to be: Age Friendly, Arts Friendly, Business Friendly, City Hall Friendly, Cycle Friendly, Disability Friendly, Environmentally Friendly, Ethnic Friendly, Gender Friendly, Health Friendly, Lake Friendly, Park Friendly, Pedestrian Friendly, Shopping Friendly, Sports Friendly and Visitor Friendly. You can help make it so! There is an aspect of "behaviour modification" that takes place when people exhibit a positive attitude and response such as being "friendly" particularly in social situations whether in relating to service provides or in personal relationships. Sudbury has always been know as a friendly community but in recent years perhaps not as much and this should and can be restored in a variety of ways including involving local government and business and organizations so we can become know to our residents and visitors as "friendly sudbury" - what better objective to achieve in the city we all love? Consider visiting these Friendly Sudbury websites: FriendlySudbury also hosts:
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